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18 joulukuun, 2020
YouTube - Huhtasaari: UK:lla on jo 60 kauppasopimusta

EU PANIC: "UK Already Has 60 Trade Agreements!" MEP Erupts At Brussels Hardballing Over Brexit Deal Laura Huhtasaari lashed out at the EU:s fear-mongering tactics in its negotiation with the UK, as she pointed out that the British side has "already concluded 60 trade agreemenst outside of the bloc.

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18 joulukuun, 2020
Express (UK) - Onko EU katsonut peiliin ollenkaan?

FINNISH MEP Laura Huhtasaari lashed out at the EU's fear-mongering tactics in its negotiation with the UK, as she pointed out that the British side has "already concluded 60 trade agreements" outside of the bloc. Laura Huhtasaari condemned the EU's plot to stop Britain from taking back control of its borders, laws and fishing waters. The Finnish MEP […]

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13 joulukuun, 2020
Express (UK) - Brittien huolehdittava itsestään ja saavutettava Brexit

Finnish MEP, Laura Huhtasaari told European Parliament that it was now time for the UK to look after itself and achieve Brexit.  "I have a dream. I want all member states to do Brexit. As European People's Party president Manfred Weber has put it, if Brexit felt like a success, it would be the beginning […]

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22 lokakuun, 2020
YouTube - Huhtasaari: EU kohtelee Iso-Britanniaa vasallivaltiona

EU still treating UK as a 'vassal state' after Brexit - Finnish MEP's scathing verdict.

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22 lokakuun, 2020
YouTube - Huhtasaari ennustaa Alankomaiden lähtevän seuraavaksi EU:sta

Laura Huhtasaari ennustaa Alankomaiden lähtevän seuraavaksi EU:sta.

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22 lokakuun, 2020
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari tukee Boris Johnsonia

"Laura Huhtasaari, a member of the right-wing Finns party, launched a spirited defence of Boris Johnson in the European Parliament yesterday. She subsequently told "In my view, there is no future for the current version of the EU because European nations do not accept the joint economic liabilities and the centralised government imposed by […]

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22 lokakuun, 2020
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari ennustaa Alankomaiden lähtevän seuraavaksi EU:sta

"COUNTRIES are "queuing up" to quit the EU, with the Netherlands at the front and Finland not far behind, a Finnish MEP has claimed, suggesting there is "no future" for the bloc in its current guise. Laura Huhtasaari, a member of the right-wing Finns party, launched a spirited defence of Boris Johnson in the European Parliament yesterday. […]

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10 lokakuun, 2020
Fox News - Huhtasaari ehdottaa presidentti Trumpille Nobelin rauhanpalkintoa

"President Trump has picked up another nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize, after a Finnish member of the European Parliament (MEP) called for the American president to receive the honor. Laura Huhtasaari, an MEP and a member of the right-wing Finns Party, wrote to the Nobel Committee to nominate Trump for the 2021 prize “in recognition of his endeavors to end […]

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