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Alta löydät muun muassa Laurasta ulkomailla julkaistut uutisartikkelit.

24 kesäkuun, 2021
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari: Onnittelut, Nigel!

FINNISH MEP Laura Huhtasaari has paid tribute to Nigel Farage on the fifth anniversary of the referendum which delivered Brexit. Ms Huhtasaari, who represents the right-wing Finns party in the assembly, was speaking during a debate on the European Climate Law, which targets climate neutrality by 2050 and a net reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of […]

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13 toukokuun, 2021
Express (UK) – Weimers, Huhtasaari ja Kofod: Älkää antako EU:lle enempää valtaa

MEPs from Sweden, Denmark and Finland have teamed up in the latest blow to EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and her allies in the eurozone, namely Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel, to call on their governments to stop further integration in the bloc. Sweden Democrats MEP Charlie Weimers, Danish People's Party MEP Peter Kofod and […]

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10 toukokuun, 2021
Dagens Industri - Weimers, Huhtasaari ja Kofod: Älkää antako EU:lle enempää valtaa

De nordiska regeringarna vet att medborgarna i deras länder inte vill öka EU:s makt ytterligare. Det är hög tid att våra regeringar inser detta och för en gångs skull drar i nödbromsen innan det är för sent, skriver Charlie Weimers, SD, Laura Huhtasaari, Sannfinländarna och Peter Kofod, Dansk Folkeparti. Lue koko artikkeli täältä:

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5 toukokuun, 2021
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari: Suomen on lähdettävä imperialistisesta EU:sta

Laura Huhtasaari was speaking the day after Brussels was accused of trying to “bully” Finland into ratifying its £650billion coronavirus recovery fund amid suggestions the Scandinavian country’s legislature might refuse to do so. With a two-thirds majority required, Finland’s Prime Minister Sanna Marin remains confident she will secure an agreement - but nevertheless sought advice from European Council’s legal team […]

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1 huhtikuun, 2021
New Statesman - Huhtasaari: Kansallisvaltio pystyy parhaiten takaamaan turvallisuutta ja hyvinvointia

"The nation state is still the political model that most efficiently guarantees the security and wellbeing of its citizens,” Laura Huhtasaari, a Finnish right-wing MEP who advocates leaving the EU, said in an email. Lue koko juttu täältä.

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11 maaliskuun, 2021
Politiikkaradio: Nouseeko Eurooppaan hiilimuuri?

Euroopan parlamentti hyväksyi päätöslauselman WTO:n sääntöjen mukaisesta EU:n hiilidioksidipäästöjen tullimekanismista. Nouseeko Euroopan rajoille hiilimuuri? Mitä tuotteita hiilitullit koskisivat? Ajaako tullimekanismi EU:n riitoihin maailman kauppajärjestössä? Käydäänkö tulevat kauppasodat ilmastopolitiikan tunnusten alla? Julistetaanko EU:sta hlbti-vapauden alue? Vieraina ovat europarlamentaarikot Heidi Hautala (greens), Nils Torvalds (re) ja Laura Huhtasaari (id). Toimittajana on Tapio Pajunen. Ohjelma on kuunneltavissa täällä: […]

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3 helmikuun, 2021
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari: EU on kyvytön ajamaan jäsenmaidensa etua rokotteiden suhteen

Ursula von der Leyen's bid to block imports of coronavirus vaccine into Northern Ireland has badly damaged the EU's credibility, and underlined why more EU27 countries should follow the UK's example by quitting the bloc, a Finnish MEP has said. Laura Huhtasaari, a member of the right-wing Finns party, made her remarks in the wake […]

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6 tammikuun, 2021
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari: Iso-Britannialla meni paremmin ennen EU:ta

Finnish MEP Laura Huhtasaari took to Twitter to share a video about the opportunities Brexit offers - including the chance to boost the UK's steel industry. She wrote: "Before the EU, the British did better." Ms Huhtasaari's tweet is her latest show of support for Brexit. Speaking last month before Boris Johnson struck his trade […]

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28 joulukuun, 2020
Express (UK) - Huhtasaari: EU:n demokratiassa vakavia puutteita

Finnish MEP Laura Huhtasaari argued "inspirational" Britain was "striving for more freedom and democracy" as negotiations over trade begun earlier this year. She told Parliament that once the UK left, the "EU will never be the same again", because Britain will "reach its full potential, and that will cause criticism against the EU in the […]

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19 joulukuun, 2020
Breitbart - Huhtasaari: Kadehdin brittejä, EU:n tulisi katsoa peiliin

Finnish politician Laura Huhtasaari told the European Parliament she envies Britain, and that the EU should “look in the mirror” to discover why it wants to leave and countries like Norway and Switzerland have no interest in joining. “I am envious of the Brits because they can actually do something in the world now,” she […]

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